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Cory Withers

The Full Story

I’m Cory and I’m on a journey to become a hero. 


Like many others, I spent most of my life being lazy, procrastinating, lacking in confidence, and being full of excuses. 


I knew I could do better. I just didn’t know how.


After limping my way through high school and spending almost nine years in college, I finally found a career as a high school educator. The feeling I experienced teaching and influencing students (though nerve wracking) was something I had never felt before. Almost as if I had discovered my purpose in life. I loved it!


After a short 4 year stint as a high school teacher, I was given the opportunity to test my abilities at the college level. This was my dream job, and the plan was to spend the next forty years teaching college students and helping them pursue their dream careers and better their lives. 


Unfortunately, my tenure at the college level was cut short. Though a difficult transition, this was a test. One that, when looked at from an optimistic viewpoint, was one of the best things that ever happened to me. 


This new test was challenging me to follow my passion. 


A passion to not only influence the 30 - 40 students in a classroom, but to influence thousands of people.


To show you that I have failed over and over again. But I keep getting back up. 


To let you know that you are not the only one that thinks or lives a certain way. We’re all just people. All of us are weird!


To give you the inspiration that I have always looked for in others and rarely found. 


To tell you that you are not alone in your hope to become a hero in your life’s journey. 


So I’m not here to provide you with answers, but with ideas and experience. 


I’m here to provide you with support. 


I’m here to help you become a hero!

- Cory Withers

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A Hero's Journey

© 2022 by Cory Withers.

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